Monday, November 01, 2010

I'm back to my jpop/poprock. They have the power to make you listen to them just because.. they have pretty boys. I can't believe I'm saying this. I swore not to be like that! (felt quite immature during my sec 3 period where I was crazy over yamapi) It's now Ueda Tatsuya (and kat-tun)! I have a soft spot for people who write their own music ahhhh. And the whole pretty thing's a plus point. And you know, sensitivity.

Rock's pretty good if you want to get lost in your own world, or if you want to stop yourself from getting too emotional, it kinda blocks your heart out. I'd normally listen to sad music when I'm sad but blocked some feelings out with the music today. Wouldn't want to get too emotional a week before the exams you know? Speaking of the exams.. I don't even want to speak of it. Screwed xE99.

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